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Explain The Routing Process In MVC Applications With Examples

Explain The Routing Process In MVC Applications With Examples

Shivani Singh21 16-Oct-2024

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural sample used for developing user interfaces with the aid of dividing software into 3 interconnected additives: Model, View, and Controller. One of the key additives of MVC applications is the routing mechanism, which maps incoming requests to the perfect controllers and moves. In this newsletter, we can break down the routing system in MVC programs and discover how it ensures the right response for each request.

What is routing in MVC?

Routing in MVC refers to the manner of directing incoming net requests to the suitable controller moves. It acts as a bridge between the URL and the code in the back of it, ensuring the appropriate reaction is supplied to the consumer. When a person types a URL, the MVC framework uses its routing mechanism to interpret that URL, after which it calls the matching controller and motion.

Explain The Routing Process In MVC Applications With Examples

How Routing Works

The routing system starts when a URL request is made. The MVC framework gets this request and suits it to a fixed set of predefined routes that are detailed inside the software. These routes determine which controller and action can be invoked, together with any parameters needed. A common URL in an MVC utility is dependent as follows:{controller}/{action}/{id}

In this structure:

  • Controller refers to the unique controller that handles the request.
  • Action refers to the technique within the controller that plays the necessary motion.
  • ID is a non-obligatory parameter that is frequently used to discover precise statistics or assets.

For instance, if a user navigates to, the framework will interpret this as a request to the ProductController’s Details movement, with the parameter id being 5. Routing guarantees this request reaches the right location within the code.

Defining Routes in MVC

Routes in MVC packages are commonly defined in a file referred to as RouteConfig. This report contains direction mappings that dictate how URLs have to be interpreted. The default path may look something like:

  • Routes.MapRoute(
  • name: "Default",
  • url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
  • defaults: new  { controller = "Home", action = "Index," id = UrlParameter.Optional}
  • );

This path configuration tells the MVC framework that if no specific direction is matched, the framework needs to default to the HomeController and its index motion. For instance, if a consumer visits, this default path will take care of the request and direct it to the home web page.

Routing Scenarios

Routing can be customized for more complex scenarios. For instance, multiple routes can be defined to aid special parts of the utility. A commonplace situation would possibly consist of having a special course for an admin segment, consisting of:

  • Routes.MapRoute(
  • name: "Admin",
  • url: "admin/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
  • defaults: new  { controller = "AdminHome,"  action = "Index,"  id = UrlParameter.Optional}
  • );

This guarantees that any request starting with "admin" is directed to the ideal admin controllers, supporting to organizing of the utility's structure higher.

For a better understanding of ASP.NET MVC routing, you can visit special guide.

Explain The Routing Process In MVC Applications With Examples

The Role of Controllers in Routing

Controllers play a critical function in the MVC routing system. When a direction is matched, the controller special in the direction configuration is instantiated. The controller includes the good judgment needed to cope with the consumer’s request and return the ideal reaction, usually inside the shape of a view.

For example, if a consumer requests, the MVC framework will invoke the ProductController and its List action. The controller then performs any necessary operations, including retrieving information from a database, earlier than passing the facts to the view for rendering.

Route Constraints and Custom Routes

In addition to defining fundamental routes, developers can impose path constraints to make certain URLs comply with precise styles. Constraints are especially useful when you want to restrict certain parameters to unique formats, which includes requiring that an identification parameter be an integer.

An example of a course with constraints might seem like:

  • Routes.MapRoute(
  • name: "Product",
  • url: "product/{id}",
  • defaults: new { controller = "Product", action = "Details"},
  • constraints: new  { id = @"\d+" }
  • );

In this path, the identification parameter is constrained to numeric values most effective (d), stopping non-numeric requests from being matched.

Generating URLs Using Routes

Another benefit of routing in MVC is the capability to generate URLs based on routes programmatically. This ensures that links in the application are always constant with the defined routes, although the routes change within the destiny.

For example, in place of tough-coding a URL to a product information internet page, you may use:

@Html.ActionLink("View Product", "Details", "Product", new  id = 5, null)

This automatically generates the precise URL based on the current routing guidelines, making the application extra maintainable and flexible.

Explain The Routing Process In MVC Applications With Examples

Routing and SEO

An often-unnoticed advantage of routing is its impact on SEO (search engine optimization). By designing user-pleasant, easy URLs, MVC routing can enhance the visibility of an application in search engine results. For instance, a URL like is tons more readable (and search engine marketing-pleasant) than


The routing technique is a core function of MVC applications, allowing developers to map incoming requests to appropriate controllers and movements seamlessly. By knowing how routing works and how to outline custom routes, developers can construct extra-strong, bendy, and maintainable packages. Additionally, smooth routing can contribute to higher search engine marketing and an improved personal experience.

Updated 16-Oct-2024
Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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